Foreign costumers, please contact us only in email or Facabook. Thank you for your understanding.
Company name / Name:
Vincze Gyula egyéni vállalkozó
Kőris fasor 32., Piliscsaba, 2081, Hungary
Phone number:
Shop name:
Hobbipark - VAMITOOLS
Tax number:
Registration number:
Registering date
Contact person name:
Vincze Gyula
Contact person´s phone number:
Contact person´s e-mail address:
The minimum order amount is:
Gross 2 000 Ft
Foreign costumers, please contact us only in email or Facabook. Thank you for your understanding.
Contact Us
Foxpost parcel machine (within Hungary)It works only with Hungarian mobile phone numbers (+36 - 20/30/70 ...) because you'll get the code in SMS message.
Delivering time: 1-3 days. Usually 1 workday, but the delivery time depends on the parcel machine. You can check it on Foxpost's home page.Shipping cost: 1 360 Ft -
GLS door to door (within Hungary)Delivering time: usually 1-3 daysShipping cost: 3 030 Ft
Packeta parcel machine / pick up point (within Hungary)Attention!
- Z-BOX (parcel machine): To use it you have to download the smartphone app More information on Packeta's home page.
- Pick up point: you get a code (in email) and you have to bring the code with you to get the package.
Delivering time: 1-5 days.Shipping cost: 1 699 Ft -
Local pickupWe deliver the orders ones a week (M-F, always changing) a.m., alwasy by car.
Please select from the drop-down menu!
- Bp. I. district, Kosciuszkó Tádé street (next to the Déli railway station)
- Bp. II. district, Lipótmező, Alsó Völgy street
- Bp. II. district, Rózsadomb, Barsi street
- Bp. II. district, Mechwart liget, in the car park, which opened from the bus stationFree -
DPD door to door - EU 1. zoneWe can delivery with this method to these countries: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia
Delivering time: few days, but it depends on the county.Shipping cost: 6 499 Ft -
DPD door to door - EU 2. zoneWe can delivery with this method to these countries:
Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece***, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden
Delivering time: few days, but it depends on the county.
*** The delivery service is not available to the Greek islands!Shipping cost: 7 399 Ft -
Packeta Pick up point (CZ)We can delivery with this method to Czech Republic. Delivering time: few days.Shipping cost: 2 990 Ft
Packeta Pick up point (RO)We can delivery with this method to Romania. Delivering time: few days.Shipping cost: 3 390 Ft
Packeta Pick up point (DE)We can delivery with this method to Germany. Delivering time: few days.Shipping cost: 5 890 Ft
Packeta Pick up point (SK)We can delivery with this method to Slovakia. Delivering time: few days.Shipping cost: 2 890 Ft
Packeta Pick up point (HR)We can delivery with this method to Croatia. Delivering time: few days. Available pick up points: Croatian PostShipping cost: 4 990 Ft
Packeta Door to door (HR)We can delivery with this method to Croatia. Delivering time: few days. Deliver partner: Croatian PostShipping cost: 4 990 Ft
Shipping abroad (information)You can choose some ways in the shop. If you want another shipping method please contact us before ordering. We'll set the new method, and you can order in the shop.
If you are not in the EU (e.g in the US, UK), we can also ship your packet, but please note, there might be extra charges during the delivery, duties, taxes etc.Please contact us -
MPL házhoz szállítás (előre fizetés esetén)ELŐRE FIZETÉS ESETÉN!
A szállítási időről és egyéb információkról az MPL honlapján lehet tájékozódni.
§ A fogyasztó és a vállalkozás közötti szerződések részletes szabályairól szóló 45/2014. (II. 26.) Korm. rendelet szerinti távollévők között kötött szerződés alapján értékesített áru kézbesítése érdekében az egyetemes postai szolgáltató által nyújtott postai szolgáltatás igénybevételének lehetőségét a kereskedelmi célú internetes honlappal rendelkező vállalkozás a honlapján biztosítja, feltéve, hogy az értékesített áru postai szolgáltatási szerződés keretében történő kézbesítését az egyetemes postai szolgáltató az általános szerződési feltételeiben lehetővé teszi.Order totalShipping cost0 Ft44 793 Ft5 205 Ft44 794 Ft-7 445 Ft -
PostaPont (pick up points) (within Hungary)You can collect your package from:
- Hungarian post offices
- MOL petrol stations
- MPL parcel machine
Delivering time: usually 1 day, but it has no time guarantee. It works only within Hungary.Order totalShipping cost0 Ft44 793 Ft5 205 Ft44 794 Ft-7 445 Ft
Online credit cardAccepted bank cards: American Express, Discover, Diners Club, Maestro, Cartes Bancaires, UnionPay
Bank transferIf you buy pruducts which aren't in stock, we can only start the pruduction after the successful payment.
We'll send you the datas to the transfer in the second (manual) order status notification. It's important, that you'll get the datas in the second status notification, not in the automatic first. Please attach the order ID to the transfer.